Thursday, March 20, 2008

FOUND: An Alternative Business Career Using Online Search Skills

If you are tired of working for someone & 39; an d & 39; or want to explore other ways to make more money & 39; and develop another type of career that can free you from your current job. .. So this article please give a good reading. It examines how the skills that you are taking may already possess & 39; and the interest that you have to help you start a new career or & 39; explore alternatives to what you are doing now.

Chances are that you read this article online or found online and print it to read later. L & 39; Internet has become a powerful and indispensable tool for many people, for information, entertainment and education & 39;. But did you know that you can use a simple tool that your browser and & 39; access to the Internet to make money from the & 39; what you find online?

Yes you and this article will show you how you can do it.

There are many industries that the concept that we are discussing could be applied to & 39; d, but we will focus specifically on the & Mergers Acquisitions Industry (M & A).

The A & M businesses for many years has been largely limited to " " insiders who had a relationship with one of the other & 39; (on the & 39; called, & 39; "old boys network). These "insiders" made millions of dollars in the & 39; sharing information among themselves with respect to businesses that are for sale and wanted to buy them. As mergers and acquisitions " sellers " (also called " researchers "), they introduced the "seller" and "buyer" together and made their huge finder & 39; s fees .

Now all that has changed, & 39; Internet allows anyone using a computer to research and access business information which was previously difficult to find and often only available to & 39; & ol 39; boy & 39; insiders & 39;. And you can win a researcher or sponsorship for enterprises which buyers and sellers that result in a private transaction.

Let l & 39; approach to our discussion on this in the form of & 39; a question and answer session:

Is mergers and acquisitions d & 39; really profitable business?

Absolutely. And & 39; d be a researcher for A & M can be very lucrative profession at home.

You can think of it as a real estate agent, you are the only one to match buyers and sellers of businesses & 39;, instead of homes. As a real estate broker, you can sell a house for $ 100000 or you can sell a house for $ 1 million. The more expensive the house, the more you earn commissions. M & A referral fees or research can be much, because business transactions can be much higher than of a building housing & 39; real estate transaction.

M & A Deal Finders make twinning with companies that have at least $ 1 million in sales and & 39; go up to $ 100 million of business turnover & 39;, on that basis alone be a pairing in the mergers and acquisitions business is a much more profitable than & 39; be a real Estate broker.

You are an intelligent person, but you do not & 39; an MBA or a law degree, will you be able to do mergers and acquisitions twinning?

To answer this question, let us take the example & 39; d & 39; be a real estate broker. You show a house for sale, the buyer & 39; or & 39; other loves or at home, they do not. If they did not like & 39;, you take them to another house & 39; until & 39; that & 39; they find one that & 39; they want. Mergers and acquisitions works exactly the same way, only you use the power & 39; and the information found on the Internet to find what buyers and investors are looking for companies and find the owners d & 39 ; company and sellers that match what buyers / investors seek and for all of the research is being done on & 39; computer using the Internet to find & 39; businesses. Obviously having specialized learning & 39; d, d & 39; education or training will help you in any business but you & 39; n did not need to be a lawyer, CPA or an MBA to be a Finder success.

One thing to remember, is a Finder does not mean that you are a broker. As a Finder you do not take the role as a trustee or any act & 39; as an agent on behalf of the & 39; buyer or seller, you are simply a pairing bring the two sides and for you can win a researcher or sponsorship.

Can I do this part-time, and do I need to travel or have a fancy office for this type of & 39; business?

In mergers and acquisitions business finder d & 39; you can search and research companies and buyers online and send and receive e-mails by day or night, anywhere in the world. In this way, you can live in Oregon & 39; and work on your computer at night (instead of watching television) to sell to a private company of & 39; Arizona to a company located in Florida. The Florida company will be closed when your email arrives that evening, but can you answer the next day. You can use email throughout the world & 39; d send and receive business documents & 39; and it is 100% free. Being a professional researcher is perfectly suited for a home office. You can start part-time spend at least one hour per night on your computer (Internet is "open" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can set your own hours).

To demonstrate what is possible, I worked on the sale of a private company & 39; telecommunications in Brazil to a publicly traded company located in California, and most of the communication for & 39; case (especially all mines in & 39; buyer and the seller) was conducted by e-mail. I could never meet in person & 39; the buyer and seller, the leaders of the company & 39; or ever see reality.

Best of everything you & 39; n did not need to know a lot about the different companies & 39; being sold. I do not know much about telecommunications, but the public is & 39; that & 39; buyer knows that business very well. I just prior to the sale of the company & 39; of information via e-mail to & 39; purchase of & 39; company. The company assesses the & 39; purchase of & 39; case and told me that if he wants to proceed.

Why is mergers and acquisitions business finder d & 39; so much in demand?

Let say that & 39; there is a company that distributes software for retail stores such as CompUSA. The company has a turnover & 39; business of $ 5 million and they want to grow. L & 39; public company can hire more vendors and & 39; try to get into d & 39; other stores. But it may take a long time. What is the solution? They work with an M & A match to find a company in the same company, they may buy or merge with. You can find a private company in the distribution of software company & 39; with $ 5 million in sales (in & 39; using Internet search engines and directories industry & 39; online) you contact them to see & 39; s they are interested in working with you to be presented to the public company purchaser. & 39; If c is the case, you send the blind & 39; public profile of the company & 39; and & 39; public will tell you whether they want to proceed forward in & 39; company.

Finding appropriate to make acquisitions is how a company can double its turnover & 39; business very quickly. & 39; C is why this service is in such high demand.

The A & M and the business is so huge that you have & 39; n not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of & 39; business owners, buyers and sellers . This opportunity is almost unlimited because every year more than 2 million & 39; companies have been sold in the United States alone, international, the opportunity is even greater, and you need & 39; n d & 39, a computer and Internet access & 39;.

How would it start investing?

Buyers can be found online at & 39; aid & 39; a search and seizure of " " business buyers, and then looking to see what buyers have posted online companies wanted. & 39; C is there an important step to take all & 39; first, because you want to start your search " " seller with a buyer in mind & 39;. When you find a buyer, to create a document in your word processor detailing what & 39; buyer research. What happens to the buyers " " profile that you can use when searching for companies or vendors. Here are the key points to note:

1. What the industry & 39; (& 39; type of business they are seeking to buy or invest in & 39;)?

2. What size (& 39; n & 39; buyer needs of & 39; company to meet a minimum income or sales, before & 39; that it would consider buying or & 39; d & d 39; invest in them)?

3. What is the level of profitability (& 39; n & 39; buyer needs of & 39; company to meet a minimum wage or the level of net income before that it would consider & 39; d & 39; & 39; buy or invest in them)?

4. What position (s) is interested in the buyer & 39; (are they looking anywhere in the world or just in a city / state / region)?

In our own network, we have more than two hundred companies & 39; buyers, with the full acquisition criteria, we are currently working with every month & 39; and others, contact us to help them find & 39; owners of businesses and vendors who would be interesting d & 39; investments or acquisitions & 39; for them.

Here is an example: Recently, a company CEO & 39; m sent an email and asked & 39; m of & 39; help find a private company that it can & 39; to acquire his company public. J & 39; have conducted research on "companies to sell " using a search engine and found a company that the seller would be of interest & 39; for & 39; public company. My efforts for the company & 39; seller & 39; and the buyer agreed to pay both me a & 39; s Finder Fee. My mailbox is almost always full with requests from buyers and sellers of business & 39; who want to be "twinned".

Finding the & 39; business owners and sellers is very easy. By the & 39; with your own experience and the contacts that you know maybe the & 39; owner of a company that might be interested in selling and if you do not know any owners directly d & 39; company, then thousands of & 39; companies can be found online. For example, using n & 39; any search engine and type in "business for sale". You will find thousands of web sites that list the various companies for sale. When you find the company & 39; you think will be of interest to & 39; a buyer, you should contact the vendor or owner of the company to see & 39; s & 39; they are interested in working with you and are you willing to pay for a researcher or a referral fee to be submitted to the & 39; buyer prospects.

When their response with interest, you get your tax d & 39; agreement in place with them, and then fill in a simple form describing the & 39; company to sell shows that the business circles of & 39; matches that the & 39; buyer states that they seek & 39;. You then transmits this information to the buyer & 39; to & 39; what is called a blind " profile "so that the & 39; buyer can not contact the seller without getting back in touch with you. If the buyer & 39; n & 39; loves not the & 39; agreement, then n & 39; feel free to send them to the sale of & 39; another company that matches their criteria, until & 39; & 39; that they find what they seek & 39;.

When l & 39; buyer and the seller, everyone finds what he wants & 39;, & 39; agreement goes into escrow. Before escrow closes & 39; the buyer (not you) made a trip to inspect the company & 39;. L & 39; buyer meets with management and & 39; inspection of their facilities. If everything is acceptable, upon presentation of their bid, they prepare professionals paperwork, fix a closing date of the transaction and & 39; buyer and the seller say the company & 39; d escrow to proceed to the closure and your Finder Fee & 39; s cheque is sent to you or your fee is cabled to you at the time of closing of the transaction.

Does it?

We can neither benefit claims to you, because success in an effort, discipline and capabilities, but a lot of people we know in the case of mergers and & 39; match companies earn between $ 500000 $ more than $ 3 million annually. Again, this does not mean that you are going to win this much or nothing at all, since it depends on your motivation, work habits and monitoring. Also keep in mind & 39; that & 39; it does not & 39; acts & 39; a "get rich quick" business, it takes time and effort on your part, but as it does with all & 39; real & 39; company. & 39; C is a company that takes research on your part to find the right vendor and contact them to see & 39; s they are interested & 39; for the company to be submitted to the & 39; buyer to the seller for matches, for lawyers to prepare for the convention d & 39; "buy-sell" and escrow At close before you get your cheque.

But if you are looking for a large company & 39; home in an established industry with great earning potential, c & 39; is the best opportunity that I know and certainly deserves further study if & 39; you find that it calls for you too. bebe leone

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